Thursday, November 17, 2005

T-Minus 19

The NY Bar Exam results will be posted in about 19 minutes. This is odd, I think, because the NJ results were posted the day before they were "supposed" to be up, but such are the doings of evil bar examiners.

Anyway, last night the judicial reception was fun, mostly because we didn't really talk to anyone but each other and drink a lot, so it was a good time. One fellow clerk who obviously heard about my predicament gave me the "Heeeeeyyyy" in the "I know you didn't pass the bar and I did but I want you to know I feel for you and can't believe this happened to you" kind of way. I acted as if I had no idea what she was trying to convey and just asked if she liked the food. My Judge was nice, but mostly hung out with other attorneys, I think in an effort to keep them occupied enough to not ask me about the Bar.

I have been thinking, and this is going to seem really self-aggrandizing, but I need something to get me through the days. I think of the people I know who failed, we all are the best kinds of people to fail because we all took it really well, can handle it, and decide how to proceed from there. Many of my friends who passed are the kinds of people who would throw themselves into weeklong benders, scream obscenities at their fellow office mates and other attorneys who passed, and find other ways to have people think "Poor you." I guess that saying is right, God only gives you what you can handle, and for me, I have to say I am proud of the way I handled failure even if I can't be proud of passing.


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