Monday, November 21, 2005

I'm pretty sure no one is reading this blog...

But that is ok. This mainly helps me with coping, which is the most important thing right now.

Before I got my results, I started running- I'd never before run in my life. I was/am training for a race in April, and I hope to eventually get there. It just that the wind seems to be taken from my sails. I had a stomachache last night and stayed home from work today. I had a date tonight, which I canceled because I just didn't feel mentally up for it and I didn't want the person to meet me for the first time in such a sub-par state. Even my friends don't really want to hear me complain, because really there is nothing to say. I mostly wander around aimlessly, trying to think of a plan of action for the future. The worst part is that I have to once again put my life on hold for two months, but if I don't, I won't have much of a life in the future anyway.

I'm being dramatic. Maybe its hormonal? At least I am keeping busy with tasks and books etc... I'll get it together.


Blogger Ms. Daryl said...

I'm reading it and it mirrors a lot of my feelings.

10:56 AM  

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