Monday, November 28, 2005

Even my hairdresser knows I failed the bar

I go to get my haircut today, and my hairdresser, who is my age and knows a lot of the same people I know from our town and the surrounding area, immediately asks me, "So, how'd it go?" Dumbfounded over what this ancillary person in my life, who I hadn't seen since August, could possibly be asking me, I honestly had no idea what she was talking about. "Huh?" "The bar? You got your results back right? One of my clients said that all the rest of my law student clients got their results back." When I told her I didn't pass, she was pretty dumbfounded but did the whole, "Oh, tons of people take it 3 or 4 times."

I wonder what people say to the people who are on their 4th time say? I guess those people who aren't smart enough to pass are smart enough not to tell people they are taking it!

One final note- I came home on Wed. before Thanksgiving to flowers at my door from my old college roommate that said, "Someone had to throw the curve in February! You'll get them next time." And I sincerely appreciated it :)

More later- I am enjoying my final nights before plunging back into the world of the MBE again.


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