Saturday, February 04, 2006


The Judges also have been so understanding and supportive throughout this process, which is not something I expected since Judges can sometimes be intimidating, not understanding, and just too busy to think about things. My Judge has been great- he hasn't dwelled on the test though I know its in the back of his mind and when he does talk about it he always says, "you'll have no problems the next time around". Another Judge in our courthouse told me he keeps me in his prayers as he swims his daily laps on the list of people he runs through his head to pray for and pass the time. Another Judge told me he got a D in Con-Law during law school, which made me feel much much better.

I think a huge fear that people have about failing the bar is that no one will understand, when the inverse is true, EVERYONE understands and no one really seems to think less of you- or at least they don't let you know if they do!


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