Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Ok, today I am nervous. Probably because its about a month away from the test, and while I have felt pretty good studying so far, I have that little voice in the back of my head that kind of freaks me out that says- what if I don't pass?

February bar passage rates are statistically lower than July (i know because I just checked this out on the NCBEX website) and the passage rate for repeat takers is MUCH lower. Now just from talking to other people, I know this is because most of the people who retake the bar don't have enough time to study again, or just don't study, and that is why they don't pass. I like to think of myself as the "cream of the failed crop" someone who should have passed last time and didn't, and thus should be at the top of the heap in non-illustrious group of failures. But what if i'm not? What if people like me are the ones that always fall just shy and never quite reach the pass rate? What if that is me? I just spent some time trying to calculate the actual percentage rate of unscaled passers, and I think I am scoring right on that range and mostly above, but what if i'm not?

Besides being nervous about the bar, I'm nervous about finding a job. Studying has made me put off job seeking, and I hope that there will be jobs for me once I emerge from the study bar bubble. I keep saying that it won't matter if I don't pass the bar anyway, so studying should be my first priority, but its not all that easy.

Plus, in terms of taking time off, I am going to take about 3 weeks, but the third week is mainly reserved for the actual test, so its just two full weeks of studying and I am hoping that is enough. It should be, it was for my friend who did the same last year, but it still just makes me nervous.

Maybe all of these things are true, or maybe i've just had too much coffee today....


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