Sunday, February 15, 2009

Good Luck to Feb bar takers!

I just wanted to stop in and wish everyone taking the Feb 09 bar good luck! I am taking yet another exam and not looking forward to it. Though I have been studying, I still feel woefully unprepared. I haven't studied much of the state specific subjects and have instead been focusing on MBE stuff- which is a gamble I am not sure will pay off next week! If any of you guys have suggestions on how to cram for that last week, I'd love to hear them!

For those of you out there who are multiple re-takers- take heart! Remember this is not your whole life and not what defines you as a person. It's just a test. As someone who has always had trouble with the bar, the sad reality is that practicing law is just not that fun and not worth all this trouble! Some people battle with food addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction- we battle with bar exam addiction and the need to PASS- and then PASS again!

For people who asked if you needed to be barred to get job offers in NJ, I would say that is pretty much true in ANY state, unfortunately. Most places you need to be barred so that it doesn't look like you are practicing law without a license, and many firms won't hire JDs without licenses. Nowadays, with the bad economy, this is even more true. But no worries! If you do pass, you are pretty much guaranteed to find a job- it may not be one you like, or one that pays a lot, but you will. And you will move up from there!

GOOD LUCK! Stay calm, and be happy that in a week and a half, you won't have to study until at least May :)

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