Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Today I worked for my first full day while studying at night. I also got a little done during the day, but I think its going to take some getting used to studying whilst working. That's ok, though. I'll get it done.

Studying is actually kind of a comforting routine to visit for a brief respite. It reminds me of being in law school, being tired, always thinking I could be doing something to better my future instead of doing fun things, dreaming of the future without really taking too many steps toward it that required any creativity or initiative of my own. It was nice to be in that bubble, and now that I am in the real world, I have to answer all these scary questions again that I went to law school in an effort to "figure out" (read avoid).

At least studying gives me a concrete task to feel good about accomplishing . Even if I am tired as all hell at the end of the day.


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