Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Two interesting articles this week

This first one is about Kathleen Sullivan, former Dean of Stanford Law School, who recently moved to a private firm in CA and had to sit for the CA bar in July to be admitted. A noted Constitutional Law scholar, the legal world was shocked when she failed the bar exam... I think my favorite quote was this:

> But it's unusual for the exam to claim a top-notch constitutional lawyer
>at the peak of her game. "She is a rock star," says William Urquhart, who
>last year recruited Ms. Sullivan to join his firm, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart
>Oliver & Hedges LLP. "Practically every lawyer in the U.S. knows who
>Kathleen Sullivan is." If anyone should have passed, Mr. Urquhart says, it
>is Ms. Sullivan. "The problem is not with Kathleen Sullivan, it is with the
>person who drafted the exam or the person who graded it."

Interesting. I sympathsize with her, because it sucks to fail a bar exam, but it sucks even worse if you fail and it makes the WSJ. My Judge said, though, that she should have known her failure would be big news and probably should have prepared to make sure it didn't happen.

The other article is about the litigation with Barbri, which is also interesting. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/04/business/yourmoney/04law.html?adxnnl=1&emc=eta1&adxnnlx=1133909777-aMp+5ihPJBITUk8e2XU6Og

I like Barbri- at least in terms of the materials you get, not the instruction, but I wonder how much better they'd have to be if they actually had competition....


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